nerdiest weekend ever!
playing Star wars: knights of the old republic on my pc.
star wars + ps game + rpg = pretty high on the old nerdometer.
hoh well.
day to day stuff and miscellaneous ramblings
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Just in time for Christmas ... a Flava Flav talking clock. Via
Obligatory yuletide 'bah humbug' link to one of my favourite e-sheep comics, Saturnalia.
Favourite CIA=bad story. The Frank Olson project. The fiftieth anniversary of his death was yesterday.
George Harrison died two years ago today. (Last two via Rotten news.)
(Crossposted to my LJ.)
Thursday, November 27, 2003
I know you're ready for Return of The King, but are you READY? ( i got 10/10, which makes me a massive nerd.)
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
What's The Next Song?
As a consequence of listening to a favourite album, or a 'various' album, a mix tape, or a playlisting radio station too frequently, you may be used to expecting to hear a particular song just as another ends.
For me, every time I hear 'Blister In The Sun' by the Violent Femmes, rather, when I hear it ending, I anticipate the first few bars of The Cure's 'A Forest', as a consequence of listening to a tape of JJJ's Hottest 100 from one of its first incarnations, before they decided to restrict people's votes to songs released in that year.
It's started again with a mix CD Ministry of Sound released in May, "Chillout Session Summer 2003" ... well ... I've got the Australian release which is dated '2004' with a different track listing ... oh well, there goes that post.
Saturday, November 22, 2003
In honour of the current rugby excitement please be upstanding for my new rugby chant
Beats that 'Aussie Aussie Aussie' nonsense any day.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Okay, website of the day purely cause of the crazy url...60X1.COM: Freedom Is Not Free When Freedom Fries Are Not Free!
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Saturday, November 15, 2003
"Arguments & resolutions" a short film i wrote & directed is screening here:
Monday 24th Nov
Bar Open
317 brunswick street
and also here:
Saturday december 6th
Small Poppies
as part of the Film Eclectic film festival. pest control is also showing that evening, so that'll be an interesting contrast :)
come along.
bring your friends.
Friday, November 14, 2003
i love you meatrobot - to quote:
"So, I have the fucking bitch job of fuck. I forgot to tell that. And I
can't get any other job, because I am on the Enemies List. And also,
that job makes my head bees get angry almost every day. And. BORING.
All the time. As boring as a stupid guy who is a different kind of
stupid from what you are".
and there's more... clicky forfun.
also - i nicked that from hotsoupgirl, who will kick my ass if i don't linkback. because she knows karate and shit.
Thursday, November 13, 2003
from popbitch:
"A mate of mine and some footballers were out
on a golfing jolly, and sat in the clubhouse
having a celebrity shag conversation.
"Sean Connery walked in, so a couple of the lads
shout over to him 'Hey Sean, bet you've had a
celebrity shag or two.. what's your best ever?'.
Connery just grimaced and walked out.
"Later on, some of the lads were still sitting
around and Sean walks back in. He comes over to
the table and said,
"1964. Petula Clark. Up the arse"
Then he walked out.
Couldn't anyone else have gotten Alex too, I feel like some crazy person here! Speaking of crazy, over the last 2 days, bill and I have watched city of lost children, and don't look now - much crazy dwarf action, plus the added "highlight" of a lot of shots of Donald Sutherland's bum. (In don't look now). So yeah, bill thinks I've ordered the world's weirdest films from because those ones arrived first.. pfft, he should be thankful I didn't get the entire meg ryan back catalogue. Not that I'd want to, it's just the most grating stuff I can think of.
In other news, I went to court today! The crazy bogans who didn't pay for their dog (long story) and then eventually paid for it, too 4 people to court to get the signature of one person... they wore their best tracksuits to court though, so at least we got a laugh at their expense. (And the outcome was that we now have a court order to the effect that they can't breed sibling dogs with each other. Which is a big YAAYY! for us.)
Oooh, I've rambled, I'm going to go now.
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
I am Fritz, from 'Fritz the Cat.' I like
Is anyone here surprised that I got this one?
Monday, November 10, 2003
I am Donnie, from "Donnie Darko." I'm
pretty troubled, yes.
Which Random Cult Movie Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am win!
Friday, November 07, 2003
I am going to hijack your idea Harry.
I thought a second-person shooter would be where ... you get to play all the people that die in a FPS.
I bought the new 'wario' GBASP game-boy-advance-ess-pee or *big gay al voice* "great big assp!" ... game for my half-brother's tenth birthday. I mean for him. It's a bit of a 'blipvert' kind of game where you play these two or three second mini games, in sequence, to complete each stage. Kinda cute. Hella addictive.
So imagine what it would be like ... playing all the grunts, one at a time, respawning each time you get shot by the fiendishly over-equipped 'hero' of the game. And you get to play all the bosses. Like the blind idiot god at the end of Quake. *makes wet gibbering noises*
Not Nyarlathotep. The other one. The tentacly one. Not Cthulhu. Shub-Niggurath? Or was it Hastu-- rkkkcchhggg
Thursday, November 06, 2003
i had this idea for a '2nd person shooter'
basically the characters in the game wander up to you and tell you what you've just done.
"aaarrrggghhhh. you've just shot me!"
i'll be rich. richer than astronauts.
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Post Script: (Pre Script?) About to go into Matrix Reloaded, which will probably be better than Revolutions, if the New York Times review is any guide. No spoilers there, unless you count 'it's shit' as a spoiler ... damn
"With the blood-lust of old gone, I used it for harmless plinking fun of the can-and-bottle-shooting variety, then when I came back to Oz I left it in the care of a relly of my then-girlfriend.What, yer then-girlfriend? *boom boom*
Sometimes I still hear it calling to me, particularly on wet nights..."
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Neil Gaiman answers questions on slashdot... Slashdot | Neil Gaiman Responds
Neil Gaiman answers questions on slashdot... Slashdot | Neil Gaiman Responds
Monday, November 03, 2003
Praise Eris for Lego, Boing Boing and this guy for Lego Album Covers.
Oh and HAIL SATAN for Catholic Schoolgirls. Via daypop or blogdex or both.
Girls pummel man who exposed himself
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (Reuters) -- A man described by authorities as a known sexual predator was chased through the streets of South Philadelphia by an angry crowd of Catholic high school girls, who kicked and punched him after he was tackled by neighbors, police said Friday.But was anyone recording the girls kick the shit out of this guy? I reckon you'd get more kinks coming out of the woodwork to buy that tape than the 'regular' voyeur stuff... When I see catholic schoolgirls on my way to work, instead of fnarring or ignoring them I've been wondering 'how hard can she kick?', before I heard about this incident. I must be in tune with the cosmos, or something.
Finally ...

...via my Livejournal :) via the above-mentioned blog trend sites.