one of the joys of our impending bouncing arrival is that we get to spend hours trawling baby naming books and websites. This gem caught my eye, and I couldn't help but share it with you all :
I have started to have a real liking for 'made up' names, I guess because they are so original. I have seen some really good ones on ###REDACTED### and I was wondering if you guys could tell me more! I'm not picky, I don't care if people have heard someone with the name before, etc., just anything that is really original and not technically a name...
These are the ones I've seen here that I love;
Avrielle, Olivianna, Sophelia(these two are good because I love Olivia and Sophie but find them too common), Allorah, Fairith, Sabriel, Katrien
That's all I can think of right this moment...
Also I love word names, tell me all the word names you can think of! I like;
Patience, Sailor, Meadow, Journey, Lyric, Ever, Rose, Samaya, Grey, Chance, True, Journey
And one more thing, I love place names, nice sounding ones;
India, Ireland, Asia, Dallas, London
Any names that you would put in these 3 catergories that you think also sound nice would be appreciated! Thanks before hand :)
I've said it before, I'll say it again. You need to register to vote, you have to have a license to drive a car, you need a license to GO FISHING, but they'll let anyone be a parent. Sorry I couldn't leave it alone, I had to rant more. Right there she says "anything that's not technically a name".... LADY IF ITS NOT A NAME, DON'T SADDLE YOUR POOR FUCKEN PROGENY WITH IT!!!!!