secretary: may 29th.
and congratulations mr bill!
day to day stuff and miscellaneous ramblings
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
any reason to own a ps2 has gone *straight* out of the window:
story here
The last two "Grand Theft Auto" games have provided an immersive story with multiple coinciding missions. The next one is due out in 2004. A month later, "Grand Theft Auto 3" and "Vice City" finish exclusive run on Sony's PlayStation 2 and will be available for Microsoft's Xbox and Nintendo (news - web sites)'s GameCube. "And they will sell, like, a jillion copies," Pachter said.
If any of youse videogamey types are looking for something fun to do, have a looky here - I'm just trying to get hold of the journalist right now to get their contact details.....
Monday, April 28, 2003
things to make you angry #468:
The William Gibson script for Alien 3 that got rejected by the studio.
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
hey kids.
i was in the astor today.
they've got a poster up for secretary. no date, but i'm assuming it's coming soon.
and our fundraising film for our next short film endeavour will be matrix reloaded on sunday 18th, again at the george.
Pol, g'luck in your interview, in a probably after the fact by now kind of way. Bill is having an interview as I type, so fingers crossed there too.
And, lest we forget, the high priestess of soul has gone away, rip Dr Nina Simone. *sniff*
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
making a film is *weird*
i've got people calling me up & emailing me saying: "love your script. very dark, very edgy. when are the auditions, i'd *love* to come and audition for you."
so i've got this pile of photographs from people sitting on my floor now, and i get to choose a shortlist of them based purely on how they look.
and then i get to wittle them down to 2 based on how much they amuse me and how well they do what i tell them.
it's a funny old world. until your girlfriend brings home a gun and forces you to take part in a japanese bondage ritual :)
and good luck mr sigerson.
Saturday, April 19, 2003
A little easter themed fun! Play darts with Jesus
Thursday, April 17, 2003
David Giles??! Bloody hell!
I quite liked David Giles too, he was always very straight down the line...
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
I don't know who posted it - I know Tony W. got offered a new job so he'll be going soon too. Who's the second exec though? I'm guessing that Thomas was one... any ideas?
Monday, April 14, 2003
from fatbabies
Infogrames Melbourne House has lost up to 10 people over the past few weeks. These employees have reportedly departed due to senior management's lack of vision and unrealistic project schedules. Included in the departures were 2 executives.
anyone know anybody pissed off enough to post this?
apart from most of the people who read this :)
Friday, April 11, 2003
Good work fellas! I give 'Pest Control' five severed extremities up!
In other news, I am currently temping for a prominent 'drygoods' importer/distributor in the western 'burbs. I get to watch a re-enactment of the Blues Brothers opening sequence and the Blade Runner opening sequence every morning! (oil refineries and other such petrolly goodness viewed from the train.)
It's kinda funny going into your kitchen and getting out the garlic and going "wait a minute ... I recognise that tracking number!" funny sad/scary funny, as opposed to funny comedy festival funny.
anyone going to the peace picnic garden party thingy on sunday? or the other rally stuff? i might go and put in some hours for "Bob".
also: fake lezzo pop tarts they might be, but after being thoroughly indoctrinated by the radio at work being permanently tuned to 101.1 I can only say: hubba. Also, their songs sound better when they're shrieked out in the original russian:
I am Shub-Niggurath! Shub-Niggurath is often called the "Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young", and is the force of creation, life, evolution/mutation. She represent the force of the one universal constant (ie change) on the biological. She is often envisioned as a dark, low lying cloud, with goat's hooves with numerous tenticles writhing from within. Her rites are best performed during a New Moon, or on Mid-Summer's Eve. | ![]() |
Which Great Old One are you? |
(The site's full of spelling errors: I wonder if the awesome power and energy channelled by the foul deities featured therein are somehow warping the minds of the authors. In the same way Messers. Bush Blair and, oh, that other one, the short one with the wispy eyebrows, what's his name ... H_____ , I dare not say it out loud ... )
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
In other news, everyone in Perth, WA is having a baby.
Well, it seems like that, just came back from my cousin's wedding, a good 30% of the guests were either married less than six months, had new born babies, or were pregnant. I thought it must be something in the water, and consequently drank champagne all weekend...