Friday, August 09, 2002

This is not a drill
All hands on deck!
Man the mizzen mast
All hands prepare to repel boarders
I'm blogging from a f'n McDonalds.
(not a haiku)

It's the end times, seriously. I'm at the Swanston/Flinders maccas. It's 3:15am. On a f'n internet machine. Do you know where your conscience is?

I can't say the F word or this big screen appears. Let me tell you about M'D's new gimmick. If you type the F word, a big screen saying 'Cyber Sentinel' appears, and unless you type a superuser password, kicks you out of whatever you were doing. Choice! You get a little scratchie card, with a 12 digit crypto thingy. For what it's worth, my number was 6402 7536 6962 and it bought me $2 worth of credit, or 20 minutes worth. $2 would buy me an hour's worth up the road, but that's not the point. I can't indulge my penchant for starchy sticky pig fat there, can I?

Jason Kottke, eat your heart out. Adbusters, forgive me.


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