Tuesday, August 06, 2002

worst film of the festival so far:

interviews with my next girlfriend. a lesbian short film with a locked off camera and a chair, where 7 or 8 lesbian cliches (butch, young cute bisexual, professional still in closet...the list goes on) sit and are interviewed for the role of the filmmakers girlfriend.

complete shit. one fucking joke does not a short film make...especially one so completely fucking obvious and cliched.

if you're going to give money to people to make a short film: MAKE SURE THEY HAVE SOMETHING ORIGINAL TO SAY...i don't mind comedy shorts, or experimental films, but don't just regurgitate cliches.

my worry was that the rest of the audience were laughing....maybe they'd never seen that kind of thing before, or maybe my sense of humour has vacated the premises.

and in other news:

i went to talk to our hr guy about permanent residency yesterday, and he told me it was a good idea, because i was probably going to lose my job.


so i've taken the day off and i'm going to bury myself in the film festival using my 3 bonus doodles, and figure out what the fuck i'm supposed to do now.


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