Pol, I'm not doing rude things to skater chicks, as much as I'd like to. However, you will all be delighted to know that I have indeed been doing rude things to an unspecified number of women over the past few weeks, as I am enjoying the slightly wider parameters the 'untethered and/or early relationship negotiation' phase allows. Nothing makes a man feel dirtier than looking at a driver's licence that says 1982 ... not that I consider myself a 'man'. quasi-mature meat puppet perhaps. Maybe that cup of sweet tea will improve that, Eve, maybe it won't.
Bill I do hope you don't have the Killer Strain of Flu that the Tube is currently screaming about. If it doesn't kill you, you'll end up with a bullet-proof immune system. If it does, dibs on the PS2 ...
... and speaking of thumb-twiddling, I must regretfully inform my fellow bloggers that while I am familiar with the alleged art of kokigami, the only thing Mr Happy is ever adorned with, other than my lonely fist, (or Stark Fist of Retrieval, if you will) is a genuine, Made In Australia, blue-wrapper Ansell. However, I have recently qualified as a Black Belt In Origami. I wonder if an aptitude in folding reasonably complicated (not to mention G-rated) origami models might instead translate to proficiency in other complicated and delicate (not to mention less G-rated) manual tasks. Anyone for a double-blind research experiment?
It was an interesting coincidence last night that, a year after I watched most of 'Michael Collins' with a friend from Tipperary, Ireland, (said friend pointing out all the historical inaccuracies and instances of artistic licence,) I should find myself watching that spooky German film that hypothesised Herr Mengele being apprehended and tried in modern Germany, in the company of a young German woman (of Romanian extraction, as it happens) who nitpicked with the SBS subtitles. Happy Easter, what what.
Finally I will share some sekrit 3RRR knowlege -- a member of a certain comedy duo now featured on Another Commercial Network bore such a scathing hatred of the late Royal Highness, Elizabeth the Queen Mother, that he wrote her performing the act of fellatio on a bull into one of his radio plays. Now *there's* something the Goons and Python would never have done!

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