Wednesday, April 03, 2002

after talking to people, i feel i should clarify.

that thing about the girl was from the novel, so it actually reflects a lot of the themes present in the larger story. stuff like balance, and creating worlds, and going off on your own, and trying to make people see things. and failing, but going on anyway.

these are the BIG themes in my head, even outside of writing. or at least they are just now. and it's not about beautiful things dying, and it's not about putting girls on pedestals and them leaving you. part of the novel is about that, and so part of the substories are about that, but overall it's about finding reasons to live, and moving on, and about finding balance.

it works in context, believe me. and if it doesn't right now. then it will when i get round to the second draft.


i feel better now.


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