Ha. After it coming up Zoe for about 7 times - a character I might add I've never even heard of , I managed to come up with this...

I'm a green puppet with a stupid repressed man's hand up my arse.
Which Sesame Street Character Are You?
I don't think that's true either.
And I did the colorgenics thing several times too, each time I did it I got something equally as depressing, no matter what order I clicked on the cubes or how much I grinned as I clicked. I have come to the conclusion that the site is run by either a) scientologists or b) a very very expensive "clinic" where they fix the brains of poor weak souls such as winona ryder. So I've come up with my own variations. Go on, have a go!
GREEN - How green was your valley? You are loving and demonstrative, which is good because you live in the same town as Buffy, and there are lots of monsters out there. You have an affinity for toasters.
RED - You're probably a communist. Passionate and clothed, you have arms.
YELLOW - Yellow is the colour most schizophrenics paint their bathrooms. But you probably meant to click on another one, right? Yellow is sunflowers and baby poo. Now is the day to get that promotion!
BLUE - Ever wondered why people feel blue? That's because blue is cuddly and exciting.
PINK - A rose by any other name could be a geranium. Beware of sheep.
BLACK - Pale and interesting, your wardrobe consists mostly of this colour. You will have a day.
ORANGE - You may be experiencing stress in the bathroom department today, Orange. You will overcome it, and need to call a plumber. You're attracted to other people with aubergines.
GREY - Admired by cows and pornographers alike, you love to be the centre of a tension. Your kidneys are pretty.
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