Monday, July 23, 2001

Was Sophie Lee the same one who was in Holy Smoke? (can't be bothered to find the link, Bill...) As far as I remember, she's a really good comedy actor...

Wow, I'm finally back up from the depths of the week that turned into the Hell Work Fortnight, and full of dining tabley and latte-y post weekend goodness. Over the weekend, a mixed half dozen bottles of really good wine fell into the back of my car when I slipped and accidentally handed the nice lady at the winery my credit card, which had fallen out of my purse and into my hand...

Also, I am in the mood to gloat cause the bi-melbourne chickmeet I organised on sunday afternoon was a raging success at hairy canary... somehow, we managed to be on the loudest table, all whilst talking about shagging and corsets and err.... knitting. Strange that... (and ok, I lied about the knitting...)

And don't forget in this week's edition of Bill Hicks News - Baby Boomers realise their lives really *are* shallow.


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