Monday, March 05, 2001

Hmm, I have a challenge for you all. When I was younger and in the same hemisphere as the rest of my relatives, I helped one of my great aunts babysit a brood of cousins - babysitting with a great aunt generally involves picking up bits of chewed saliva-ey duplo that the said great aunt deigns not to touch. But I digress. Anyway I'm having a conversation with great aunt when - magnanimously - she decides that my youngest cousin needs his nappy changing. Not a problem for me, I just sit back while auntie provides something of a scat inspired running commentary. But then! My doddering auntie refers to my baby cousin's penis as a Peter Spoffle.... I've never heard this before or since.... and the challenge is.... what's the weirdest name you've heard for anyone's bits?


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