Thursday, February 22, 2001

I'm formulating a theory. There is a field of bad juju circulating around my monitor. It's evil and nasty. Even my House of Voodoo mug can't stop those evil death rays from getting all pernickity on my ass. Even my desk isn't immune, it's started squeaking again. I think it has an amputee inside. The whole damn thing has broken my brain. My plastic crazy grimacing dude on the box is, as I type, being eaten by those crazy jelly dinosaurs and a plastic frog that you can fill with water and squirt at people. I haven't filled it with water because I've learnt my lesson about water and electricity. Even the huge wad of blu-tac (damnit, no matter how I write it, blutac/blu-tac, it just looks wrong) that was helping my plastic crazy grimacing dude stand up isn't helping him defeat the jelly dinosaurs. They move in the night, you know. It's true. And as if that weren't enough, someone has put a little lump of blu-tac underneath the nose of my little bust of Beethoven and made him look like he has a bogey.
Well, I'd love to stay and ramble, but in the words of Blofeld in Diamonds are Forever.. "It's late, I'm tired, and there is much left to do."


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