Tuesday, January 15, 2002

f**king anxiety.
f**king nerves.
f**king brain.


f**king flatmates.
f**king inane laughing.


my writing output kind of dropped off for a bit during november and december, what with me writing the novel and all. for the interested it currently sits at 58,041 words and is still being worked on in between the other stories i'm trying to write.

after this, i'm off to try & finish my garden of eden as hell thingy, which continues to mutate beneath my pen.

but just to prove i haven't been slacking off.

well, i have, but it's been therapeutic. i've put another one of my fairy doodles up here. it's not as good as the demon children one, but i wanted to prove i was still writing.

in case nobody believed me.

and there's also the giants story forming in my head.
and the woodcutter / wiccan / werewolf thing, which i finally figured out how to make work.
and the blind person / fetish woman story
and the novel...mustn't forget the novel.
and the second one.



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