Tuesday, April 24, 2001

I wouldn't mind if that was the face of the next James Bond. Unless he zounds loik eez ferm Zummerzet, of course, that never work...
"Hellooo... moi name's Bornd, Jaeeemz Bornd"

Hey, did you know that broccoli the vegetable (and a vegetable that sits snugly at no. 3 in my all time favourite vegetables list - no.s 1 and 2 are corn and courgette/zucchini respectively) was so named because it was "invented" by Cubby Broccoli's grandad/great uncle?

Are chives herb or vegetables? I thought they would be herbs, but if they're not I might seriously have to consider my commitment to having broccoli at no.3. Unless bacon was a vegetable, in which case it would sink even further in the hit parade. Makes you think, doesn't it?

I'll get me coat.


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