Friday, September 28, 2001

you think you have a good idea & then someone else comes along with a better one!


1) It's like trying to breathe glasss.
2) -
3) if i hold you like tomorrow you might die, well that's because you might.
4) caught somewhere between the burning and the blisters.
5) Blink & move away.
7) fell ill inside eternal winter, stood still beside eternal flame.
8) Random acts of senseless violence

& i've decided the main character needs to be a girl, because all of the female characters i write always seem to end up having something bad happen to them. not sure if this is some deep rooted psychological trauma manifesting itself or not & anyway there's so many other ones i don't think i'd notice another one :)

i was thinking about the whole thing a bit more & i've got loads of little phrases jotted down as well, that i might try & work in outside of the chapter starts.....we'll see though.


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