Tuesday, May 29, 2001

Ahhh Terry Pratchett. See, the thing is, although I read a bunch of TP books (before he was churning them out faster than people could read them) none of the stories curled up and nestled comfortably into my psyche, as did HHGTTG and, indeed, the meaning of Liff.

On another note. Telling people they smell is generally quite funny. You can tell them they smell of poo and they get all indignant and you have a really funny argument. On the other hand, telling 500 angry bogan fishermen who are marching on parliament to have a tantrum about not being allowed to fish Victoria's coastline until it's entirely devoid of marine life that they smell will almost definitely land you in a nasty fight. So you'll be pleased to know I bit my tongue on that one. (Although I'm sure Purdey would have been pleased if I'd come home covered in blood and bits of whiting... )


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