Bouncing back (a la Foozwah) to the bits naming conventions, when I was a kid, my friend used to call her bits "tuppence" too - I never understood it either..
Hey, this reminds me, has anyone seen the scene in Singles, when one of the characters was a little boy, his mom takes him to the doctor to explain about sex and he tells his friends about it in the playground...
" The man sticks his penis into the woman and something shoots out!"
"Eeewww, what?!"
But I really shouldn't mock, I remember being little - well, nine or ten - and thinking that the word wanker meant someone who has sex during the daytime! (and to be honest, I couldn't really see what the problem was!)
Ahh George Lucas. You silly little man. It's the "no, I do have a jawline" beard that irritates me.. He should have just done the decent thing and had a rock n roll style death before the ole preservation instinct kicked in..... My theory is that he just got too attached to those $$$$ and in doing so, lost any and all credibility.
On a related note, anyone remember Poltergeist? The kids' bedroom is swamped in Star Wars merch.. nothing like a bit of free advertising from your good buddy, Poltergeist producer Steven Spielberg! Oh bizarre...
day to day stuff and miscellaneous ramblings
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